Lesson3:Reducing Food Waste(3) 食品ロスを減らす


今日は、5月7日に放送されたNHK実践ビジネス英語Lesson3:Reducing Food Waste(3)」のヘザー・ハワードさんによる英語サマリー(テキスト未収録)をディクテーションしてお届けします。

Summary of Today’s Vignette

Ueda says Japan is one of the largest importers of the food in the world, and that we waste the equivalent of 30 million tons of the year.

Lyons asks what is being done, and Ueda describes some of the steps being taken by convenien store and restaurant chains.

Ueda also talks about the different reasons for food waste in America, such as large restaurant portions, and people buying and preparing too much.


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